Poem: What goes around…

Poem created in response to Robert Lee Brewer’s 2013 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 15, 15 Nov 2013.
Topic: what (blank)

(form: nonet)

What goes around…
“What goes around, comes around,” they say.
Breaking a proffered olive branch
serves only to push away
with negativity
a kindly offered
hand.  Remember,
Karma is
quite the

Poem: What You Need

Poem created in response to Robert Lee Brewer’s 2013 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 15, 15 Nov 2013.
Topic: what (blank)

(form: shadorma)

What You Need

It’s well-known:
you can’t always get
what you want.
When you get
what you need, though, you wonder
“How do I use it?”

What You Need (alt. version)

It’s well-known:
you can’t always get
what you want.
When you get
what you need, though, you wonder
“What the Hell is this???”

Poem: The Other Shoe

Poem created in response to Robert Lee Brewer’s 2013 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 9, 9 Nov 2013.
Topic: the other (blank)

(form: fibonacci)

The Other Shoe

more bills
piling up
more every day
medical costs, car repairs, clothes
for work and school, and then the other shoe drops:  furlough.

Poem: ¡Salud!

Poem created in response to Robert Lee Brewer’s 2013 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 13, 13 Nov 2013.
Topic: self-help poem

(form: cinquain)


People love their projects,
but miss the most important one:
their health.

Poem: Sheet After Sheet

Poem created in response to Robert Lee Brewer’s 2013 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 4, 4 Nov 2013.
Topic: (blank) sheet

(form: shadorma)

Sheet After Sheet

my thoughts on pages
before me
I write then
read, crumple and toss away
uninspired sheet

Poems: A Writing Place & Here, there, and nowhere

Poem created in response to Robert Lee Brewer’s 2013 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 3, 3 Nov 2013.
Topic: “the last time I was here”

(form: cinquain)A Writing Place

the last
time I was here
I was in much the same
position and racking my brain
to write

(form: lune)Here, there, and nowhere

the last time I was
here I was
also there, yet not

Poem: Inner Strength

Poem created in response to Robert Lee Brewer’s 2013 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 1, 1 Nov 2013.
Topic: appearing/appearance poem

(form: shadorma)

Inner Strength

She tottered
down the street, slumping,
shopping bags
in both hands,
shortness of breath belying
her amazing strength

Poem-A-Day Chapbook Challenge 2012 – The Recap

Well, I missed a few days on the Poetic Asides Poem-A-Day (PAD) Chapbook Challenge, even though my total poem count exceeded more than thirty.  One I intentionally didn’t do.  It was a new form to me and a fairly long one at that.  A couple I just couldn’t figure what to write and one I just never got back to doing.  The main goal of a month of creativity was accomplished, though.

For the record, here’s the description from the Day 18 prompt for the glosa, the form I’d never tried before:

Write a glosa. This involves an epigram of 4 consecutive lines from a favorite poet that the challenge participant believes they can write successfully to. Then, write a poem consisting of four 10-line stanzas where the final line of each stanza is a line from the epigram, in order. Within each stanza, lines 6, 9 and 10 must rhyme.

Yep, just too long and complicated for me to spend time working right now.  Maybe I’ll give it a shot later…probably not.

I’ll not likely be submitting a chapbook, either.  I don’t think many of these approach my best work and I’m not going to take the time to rewrite them to improve them.

Here’s the breakdown of my poems from this PAD:

Cinquains – 8
Fibonaccis – 6
Lunes – 5
Shadormas – 5
Tankas – 1
Triolets – 1

Free verse/form – 5

Overall, I’d give myself a C+ for this challenge.  I had a couple poems that I thought turned out pretty well and completed the majority of the daily prompts, but am not doing the chapbook.  Looking forward to the next Poem-A-Day Challenge in April 2013.

Poem: Making the Cut

Poem created in response to Robert Lee Brewer’s 2012 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 30, 30 Nov 2012.
Topic: milk poem
Topic suggested by: 
Violet Nesdoly

(form: tanka)

Making the Cut

November’s last poems
done, we now start the sorting,
hemming and hawing,
picking which poems make the book.
It’s always as clear as milk.