Teaser Tuesday: Outlander (and again, again)

Teaser Tuesday post for 12 May 2015 from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
"I was covered with soap and slime and blood, exhausted and aching, and smelt strongly of the less pleasant aspects of a horse.  I was euphoric."
—————————————————————————————– Teaser Tuesday logoTeaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:• Grab your current read • Open to a random page • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Teaser Tuesday: Outlander (again)

Teaser Tuesday post for 21 April 2015
from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
"If he's made a good breakfast, the lad might get off with a whipping.  But happen he's costive or flatulent" -she made a moue of distaste- "the boy'll lose an ear or a hand, most like."
Teaser Tuesday logoTeaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Guess I better get to writing…

Today my “Poet Interview” on Creative Bloomings went live.  I was honored to be selected by Marie Elena Good to be her interviewee for June.  It’s always neat to be singled out (in a positive way) by the folks who are so active and respected in our circles.  I was happy and honored to do the interview and am very happy with how it turned out.

Now I feel like I need to try to break out of my “competent slacker” shell and get to more writing.  I’ve needed to do it for a while.  My production has been waning.  I think this is the shot I’ve been needing.

Thanks, Marie Elena.  I enjoyed it!

My super creative Virtual Blog Tour title

This Virtual Blog Tour is about linking creative folks together, daisy chaining our blogs one to the next to bring more visitors which helps keep the creative fires burning.  The more visitors we get, the more compelled we are to keep providing fresh content, right?  I make no promises of more showing up here, though.  I’m quite a competent slacker.
WaltMuch thanks to Walt Wojtanik (pictured right) for asking me to be part of this Virtual Blog Tour.  I was honoured when he asked me to be one of his follow-on bloggers.  So many of the folks on this virtual blog tour are so much more prolific than I am.  I’ve been working with Walt for a couple years (give or take a few months) now in maintaining the Flashy Fiction Friday writing prompt site, so maybe that was my “in”.  I always plan (hope may be a better word) to write more, post more, but time gets away from me.  [Click on Walt’s picture to visit his blog.  I can’t describe him well enough in a few lines –you have to see his work for yourself.]
1. What am I currently working on?  Everything and nothing.  I have over a dozen poetry prompts that are partly worked, a couple of flash fiction stories, and two or three novel ideas that are in varying stages of infancy.  I also have a few other blogs I work, but only one that gets any real attention other than this one:  Lorwynd’s Thoughts.  It’s a “whatever pops into my mind” blog, and is likely the blog you were brought to if you came from Walt’s Virtual Blog Tour post.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?  It’s unpublished…mostly.  Well, I’ve had a handful of poems published, and depending on whether you consider postings on writing blogs “published” or not, will determine whether you’d consider any of my other poems and stories “published.”  How else is it different?  It’s mine.  In the writing world, voice and style have a lot to do with what accounts for one’s taste in writers.  I can read through the list of stories posted to a writing prompt and fairly easily pick out Walt’s.  He has a voice and style that’s easy to identify for me.  It’s also easy to read.  My poetry differs from most of those posted to these prompts by being short and of a “form”…usually.  Other than Form Challenges, it seems a lot/most of the other poets write in free verse most of the time and typically have many more lines than I do.
3. Why do I write/create what I do?  Because the voices in my head tell me to do it?  Maybe…sort of.  Partly, it’s because I choose to participate in the prompts, both the flash fiction and poetry.  Sometimes, ideas just pop into my mind and I work on them.  These are the ones that usually end up in multiple revisions because I’m not trying to get them done and posted in a short time.  Subject-wise, for poems, I tend to take the prompt and take it a different way then most do, often with a sarcastic or antagonistic take on the subject.  For flash fiction, I like to take the prompt and throw an unexpected twist into the story.  For the short story/novel ideas I’ve begun, they are almost all fantasy, which is the genre of fiction I most read, whether high, young adult, paranormal, urban, romantic or science-fiction based –just kind of makes sense that my writing tends to go that way, as well.
4. How does your writing/creating process work?  I don’t really have much of a process for writing the stories.  I just run with whatever comes to mind.  I revise as I go and then give the story another read to see if I can tighten it up any before I post it.  With poetry, I take the prompt or subject I’ve come up with and mull it over a few minutes so I can get an idea of how much I have to write on it.  Based on these few minutes of thought, I will begin putting ideas down in a poetic form that requires more or less lines/syllables.  As I work that form, I may discover a different form that works better.  Sometimes, I work through a handful of poetic forms before I have a poem that I like.
The Virtual Blog Tour continues…

CathyV is a virtual storyteller, an entrepreneur, a holistic sales coach, self proclaimed guru, a Re.Imagineered Poet of the Possible and a lover of humanity by loving people. She likes to write about transformation as life happens. She is colorful, creative, compassionate, sometimes crass and very uniquely uncommon. Enjoy the many flavors of her blog’olicious dumping ground!”


Robin is a full time VA employee during the day, and part time photographer in her free time. She blogs in her free time because she simply enjoys writing.

CathyV and Robin were the only two bloggers who agreed to continue the tour.  I had two or three more who sounded interested, but couldn’t commit because their lives are a bit hectic at the moment.

Looking Forward: Five Kingdoms by Brandon Mull

Brandon Mull is one of my favorite authors. He writes youth and young adultish stories, such as the Fablehaven series, and The Candy Shop War and its sequel.  His upcoming “Five Kingdoms” series sounds really cool and I’m looking forward to reading the first one, Sky Raiders, when it comes out in March 2014.

Here’s a link to the author page of his Five Kingdoms website. There’s a YouTube video embedded there where Brandon gives a quick overview of his new world: http://www.enterthefivekingdoms.com/author/


A great interview of one of the founders of the Poetic Bloomings poetry site. Walt’s talent, creativity, and passion for the written word are inspiring to many of us.


December is apparently a special month for Poetic Bloomings interviews. Last year at this time, I scored an interview with Father Christmas himself.  This year, it’s our very own Master Gardner and Poet Extraordinaire, THE Walter Wojtanik! Grab a nice glass of wine or cup of hot cocoa, put your feet up, and enjoy our visit!  

View original post 4,967 more words

Michael Nye’s Advice for Emerging Writers

We’ve all read books and articles on what it takes to get published, as well as books and articles on how to write.  Okay, maybe we all haven’t, but if you’re following this blog, there’s a good chance you’ve, at least, glanced through one or two, if not taken the information to heart.

Today, I found a link via Facebook to the following article by Michael Nye, the current managing editor of The Missouri Review:


This list of “grandfatherly and broad” advice, as Mr. Nye calls it, includes putting quality over time, maintaining a network, reading, and chucking books.  No, really, he advocates book throwing.  As you can guess, while the article has some very good advice, it is delivered in a light-hearted, easy to understand way that keeps it from feeling like a lecture.

Click the link.  Give it a read.


Clarke’s Three Laws

One day, while skimming the cable guide, I came across episodes of “Prophets of Science Fiction” on the Science channel.  It was a marathon of the episodes that had been aired previously.  Marathon might be quite the misnomer as there are only eight one-hour episodes, but I found them early enough to record five or six of them, including the one on Arthur C. Clarke, in which they mention Clarke’s Three Laws (of prediction).  The law they discuss briefly is the third:

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Sufficiently advanced is the key phrase to this law.  There are things we take for granted now that people two to three generations ago might call magic, and that people hundreds of years ago certainly would.  There are technologies and experiments being conducted around the world that can be explained by the folks who are developing them, but for most of us, if we just happened upon them, they’d be akin to magic for us.

I’d love to be the creator of a technology that was regarded as magic.  Let me rephrase that.  I’d love to be the writer of a story that involved a previously unwritten-about technology that might some day be developed that we, in our day and age, would call magic.

**Prophets of Science Fiction is a pretty cool series.  I’d previously read about how science fiction writers during the Golden Age of science fiction would meet with scientists to discuss their imaginings and how possible some of them might be.  This series spotlighted some well-known writers and tried to link their writings to technological advancements that have been made or are being worked on for the future.  Some of these linkings were much easier and better than others.

A Memory of Light – One Book, One Month Away

A Memory of Light coverIn just under a month, A Memory of Light, the long-awaited final book in the fourteen book series, The Wheel of Time, will hit store shelves and arrive in the hands of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of eager fans.  I will be one of those fans.  I have been reading this series since I picked up a copy of The Eye of the World back in 1990.  Yes, it has been a long journey…and this year has been a fantastic re-read of this series.  Tonight, I will finish The Gathering Storm and move on to Towers of Midnight.  Both of these books were written/co-written by Brandon Sanderson and he’s done a masterful job finishing the work of the late Robert Jordan.  Towers of Midnight is one of the longer books in the series, but I have almost a month to complete it in time to seamlessly move on to the capstone, A Memory of Light.

Knowing the end of the series is near is bittersweet.  It will be amazing to finally know how the story ends, or begins, because there are no beginnings or endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time, but it will be an ending for Rand, Mat, and Perrin, reluctant though they may have been to have been the center of the Wheel’s pattern, no more no more watching as Egwene, Elayne, and Aviendha grow into the strong leaders they were destined to become, no more trollocs, no more Forsaken…no more…  Yes, it is a bit sad to see it end.  I’ve been reading this longer than my wife and I have been married, longer than my girls are old.  I know these characters better than I know most people, which, I suppose, isn’t that terribly difficult to believe when you’re a bit of an introvert.

Anyway, I’m one book and one month away from the final book…If you haven’t given the series a read, it’s a good time to start.

A Memory of Light prep — it’s going to be close, but I’m still on target

A Memory of Light.  The final book in The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.  Tor books has pre-released parts of the story…the entire first chapter, I think.  I’ve elected to pass on the read ahead.  While I am really looking forward to the final book, I want to read the entire book as a whole, not chapter one three months ahead.  I don’t need the teaser to entice me.  The Pre-Order is already on my Christmas list.

Back in April, I posted about the beginning of my re-read of  the series:  “…it was a beginning“.  The goal is to read all thirteen of the books in the series before A Memory of Light is released in January 2013.  It’s three quarters of the way through October and I’m half way through book ten, Crossroads of Twilight.  So about seven and a half months for nine and a half books, leaving me with about two and a half months to finish three and a half books.  I may have to crank up the reading a bit, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be a problem.

What I have really fallen off on is the book reviews.  I haven’t posted one for the last three books.  All three are currently stacked on the arm of my sofa waiting for me to peruse them as I write the reviews, a couple of which have been started.  I need to knock them out, as well, but the reading takes priority.
Time to put the TV remote down earlier and “hit the books”.