BookBlogWriMo – Days Twenty-Three through Twenty-Nine

BookBlogWriMo.  Book Blog Writing Month.  Created by “Book Bumblings” as a book bloggers’ version of NaNoWriMo.  I found it through “Shattered Hearts Reviews“.

Day Twenty-Three – Book Boyfriend Criteria

Yeah, I think I’ll pass on this one.  Even if this was “Book Girlfriend”, I’d skip it.  Seems a bit silly.

Day Twenty-Four – Reading Cave Fantasies

So, I did a bit of Googling to find cool libraries.  I imagine having a dark, gothic library with dragon heads holding lamps and perched atop castles as wall lamps (images from Design Toscano) with an over-sized fireplace with a high-backed chair and ottoman, but, while that’s a cool image, and where I’d love to host Dungeons & Dragons sessions, I really want a more brightly lit room with windows and great views of nature.

I think a mashup of the pics below would do nicely.  Take the Hobbit Hole-ish room (left), move the books to line the walls on both sides, and turn the windowed end of the room into a rounded area with bigger windows similar in style to those already there, so there’s almost 180 degree views like the picture on the right.  [Take the other houses out of that pic to make the view even better.]  Drop in two comfy recliners facing the windows and a small table or two for coffee, wine, scotch, what-have-you and we’ve got my perfect spot to read.

Day Twenty-Five – How You Deal with Book Hangovers

I don’t really have book hangovers.  I finish the book, close it, then put it on the end table next to my laptop in case I want to reference it in my review.  The next time I go to read, typically later the same day, I usually just jump right into the next thing I’m going to read.  The lone exception was A Memory of Light, the final book in The Wheel of Time series.  After nearly twenty years of reading that series, and numerous re-reads of many of the books, I did take a few minutes to ruminate on the ending, mulling over how well I thought the various subplots had been wrapped, and appreciating the final scene of the story.

Day Twenty-Six – Cheating on Books

I don’t really consider what I do outside of reading to be cheating.  I don plenty of reading.  If I’m really cheating on anything, it’s my writing, which there hasn’t been much of in the last year or so.  That’s been cheated on by Facebook, reading, TV, soccer (reffing and coaching), gaming, and family time…and really, only Facebook is the big life suck.  At least watching TV is usually done with my wife.

Day Twenty-Seven – Authors You’re Thankful For – Who’s sitting at your dream Thanksgiving table?

I think my list of authors I’m thankful for and those at my Thanksgiving table wouldn’t be the same.  I’m most thankful for Stephen King, Robert Jordan, R.A. Salvatore, J.K. Rowling, George R. R. Martin, Dan Simmons, Brandon Mull, Robert Heinlein, Robert Frost, John Keats, J.R.R. Tolkien, and a few other writers of the Golden Age of Sci-Fi…but I’m not sure all of them would be folks I’d want to chat with around the table.  I’d love to have Stephen King over for dinner and/or drinks.  Aside from his stories, he sounds like an interesting guy.  I’d also love to have Ed Greenwood over along with R.A. Salvatore.  Greenwood’s the creator of the Forgotten Realms of Dungeons & Dragons and R.A. Salvatore is the writer of all the Drizzt Do’Urden stories, which take place in the Forgotten Realms.  We could have some great conversation about the Realms and Drizzt and the future.  I’d also like to have Walt Wojtanik to dinner.  I’ve been working virtually with him for a few years now and really admire his poetry and creativity and would really like to meet him.

Day Twenty-Eight – Book Pet Peeves

I don’t really have much in the way of pet peeves.  The closest thing is probably over describing, too many words used on setting, clothing, etc..  Unless there’s a reason for getting very detailed, skip the description and get to the action, the dialogue.  The only thing that really makes me put a book down, though, is writing that is intentionally confusing or so stilted that it’s difficult to read.

Day Twenty-Nine – The Future of Your Blog

The future of this blog.  I’d like to see it filled with more original writing, both fiction and poetry, as well as more book reviews, quotes, etc..  Realistically, I’ll more than likely just keep at what I’ve been doing….but who knows.  I know I have good writing in me.  I’ve just got knuckle down and make it happen.